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Location: Home / Politics / Conservative Party - Hartlepool

Local Updates from the Conservative Party - Hartlepool

Coffee Morning 1030am on Wednesday 28th June everyone welcome, to be held at The Duke of Cleveland.

Coffee Morning 1030am on Wednesday 28th June everyone welcome, to be held at The Duke of Cleveland.

On behalf of Hartlepool Conservatives Id like to thank everyone for the support theyve given over th

On behalf of Hartlepool Conservatives Id like to thank everyone for the support theyve given over th

 A strong economy, the best Brexit deal and Theresa May as Prime Minister.

Vote Conservative today

A strong economy, the best Brexit deal and Theresa May as Prime Minister. Vote Conservative today

Polling stations are now open across #Hartlepool.

If youve misplaced your poll card, you can find o

Polling stations are now open across #Hartlepool. If youve misplaced your poll card, you can find o

Every vote counts  to keep our economy strong, secure the best Brexit deal and build a stronger Brit

Every vote counts to keep our economy strong, secure the best Brexit deal and build a stronger Brit

  Walk About In Hartlepool is a fantastic programme providing locally led health walks  www.gethartl

Walk About In Hartlepool is a fantastic programme providing locally led health walks www.gethartl

 The Conservatives could change the UKs human rights laws to help fight extremism, Theresa May says

The Conservatives could change the UKs human rights laws to help fight extremism, Theresa May says

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