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Location: Home / Politics / In Britain, eightyfour men a week take their own lives, yet not enough people are talking about it.

In Britain, eightyfour men a week take their own lives, yet not enough people are talking about it. - Wednesday 28 March 2018

By Putting Hartlepool First Your Logo

 In Britain, eightyfour men a week take their own lives, yet not enough people are talking about it.

In Britain, eightyfour men a week take their own lives, yet not enough people are talking about it. As a poignant reminder of the lives tragically lost, were unveiling eightyfour individual sculptures. Sisters Georgina, Channon and Adrienne are helping to support our Project 84 and join us to share the heartbreaking story of their fathers suicide. Paul was the backbone of his family, a joker, guaranteed to be the life and soul of any event. But behind the smile he was battling inner turmoil, and sadly took his own life in 2015.

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